Uses of Class

Packages that use KaboumCoordinate

Uses of KaboumCoordinate in org.kaboum

Fields in org.kaboum declared as KaboumCoordinate
protected static KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumGEOMETRYOpMode.savedCoordinates
          Savec Coordinates array

Methods in org.kaboum with parameters of type KaboumCoordinate
 int KaboumPOLYGONOpMode.firstPointIsValid(KaboumCoordinate internal)
 boolean KaboumGEOMETRYOpMode.insertCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate internal, int position)
 boolean KaboumPOLYGONOpMode.ringIsvalid(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          Check if a ring is valid.
protected  int KaboumGEOMETRYOpMode.selectAbsoluteCoordinatePosition(java.awt.Point mouse, KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          Select absolute coordinate position

Uses of KaboumCoordinate in org.kaboum.algorithm

Methods in org.kaboum.algorithm with parameters of type KaboumCoordinate
static double KaboumAlgorithms.area2(KaboumCoordinate a, KaboumCoordinate b, KaboumCoordinate c)
          Compute the magnitude of the cross Product between two Vectors AB and AC.
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.autoIntersect(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          First point and last point MUST be different
static int KaboumAlgorithms.computeOrientation(KaboumCoordinate p1, KaboumCoordinate p2, KaboumCoordinate q)
static double KaboumAlgorithms.distance(KaboumCoordinate a, KaboumCoordinate b)
          Compute the Euclidian distance between to point.
static double KaboumAlgorithms.distance(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          Compute the distance between a point P and a PolyLine [A1...An].
static double KaboumAlgorithms.distance(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          Compute the distance between a point P and a PolyLine [A1...An].
static double KaboumAlgorithms.distance(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumCoordinate a, KaboumCoordinate b)
          Compute the distance between a point P and a segment [AB].
static double KaboumAlgorithms.distance(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumGeometry geometry)
          Return the distance between a point and a geometry
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.doesPointBorderGeometry(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumGeometry geometry, double precision)
          Check if a point is on the border of a GEOMETRY
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.doesPointLieInGeometry(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumGeometry geometry, double precision)
          Check if a point lies in or near a GEOMETRY
static int KaboumAlgorithms.getClosestPointPosition(KaboumCoordinate[] internals, KaboumCoordinate coord)
          Return the position of the closest vertex from an input Coordinate
static int KaboumAlgorithms.getClosestPointPosition(KaboumCoordinate[] internals, KaboumCoordinate coord)
          Return the position of the closest vertex from an input Coordinate
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.intersect(KaboumCoordinate a, KaboumCoordinate b, KaboumCoordinate c, KaboumCoordinate d)
          Return true if segment [ab] intersects segment [cd]
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.isBetweenAndNotColinear(KaboumCoordinate a, KaboumCoordinate b, KaboumCoordinate c)
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.isCCW(KaboumCoordinate[] ring)
          This class is a rewrite of isCCW(Coordinate[] ring) from JTS RobustCGAlgorithms class (cf.
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.isColinear(KaboumCoordinate a, KaboumCoordinate b, KaboumCoordinate c)
          Determine if a point c is colinear with segment [ab].
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.isLeft(KaboumCoordinate a, KaboumCoordinate b, KaboumCoordinate c)
          Determine if a point c is to the left of segment [ab].
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.isPointInPolygon(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumCoordinate[] ring)
          This algorithm does not attempt to first check the point against the envelope of the ring.
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.isPointInPolygon(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumCoordinate[] ring)
          This algorithm does not attempt to first check the point against the envelope of the ring.
static boolean KaboumAlgorithms.isPointInPolygon(KaboumCoordinate p, KaboumGeometry geometry)
          Check if a point is inside a GEOMETRY
static int KaboumAlgorithms.orientationIndex(KaboumCoordinate p1, KaboumCoordinate p2, KaboumCoordinate q)
          This class is a rewrite of orientationIndex(Coordinate p1, Coordinate p2, Coordinate q) from JTS RobustCGAlgorithms class (cf.

Uses of KaboumCoordinate in org.kaboum.geom

Fields in org.kaboum.geom declared as KaboumCoordinate
protected  KaboumCoordinate KaboumPoint.coordinate
          The Coordinate wrapped by this Point.
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumEdge.p1
          The start point
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumEdge.p2
          The end point
protected  KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumLineString.points
          The points of this LineString.

Methods in org.kaboum.geom that return KaboumCoordinate
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumPoint.getCoordinate()
protected  KaboumCoordinate KaboumMultiPoint.getCoordinate(int n)
          Returns the Coordinate at the given position.
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumLineString.getCoordinateN(int n)
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumPolygon.getCoordinates()
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumPoint.getCoordinates()
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumLineString.getCoordinates()
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumGeometryCollection.getCoordinates()
abstract  KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumGeometry.getCoordinates()
          Returns this Geometry s vertices.
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumPolygon.getExteriorCoordinates()
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumPoint.getExteriorCoordinates()
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumLineString.getExteriorCoordinates()
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumGeometryCollection.getExteriorCoordinates()
abstract  KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumGeometry.getExteriorCoordinates()
          Returns this Geometry s exterior vertices.
protected static KaboumCoordinate KaboumGeometry.minCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
          Returns the minimum coordinate.

Methods in org.kaboum.geom with parameters of type KaboumCoordinate
 void KaboumPolygon.addCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate internal)
 void KaboumPoint.addCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate internal)
 void KaboumLineString.addCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate internal)
 void KaboumGeometry.addCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate internal)
 void KaboumGeometryCollection.addCoordinateInGeometryN(KaboumCoordinate internal, int i)
 void KaboumGeometry.addCoordinateInGeometryN(KaboumCoordinate internal, int i)
 void KaboumPolygon.addCoordinateInHoleN(KaboumCoordinate internal, int i)
static KaboumLinearRing KaboumGeometryFactory.createLinearRing(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
static KaboumLineString KaboumGeometryFactory.createLineString(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
static KaboumMultiPoint KaboumGeometryFactory.createMultiPoint(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
static KaboumPoint KaboumGeometryFactory.createPoint(KaboumCoordinate coordinate)
protected static int KaboumGeometry.indexOf(KaboumCoordinate coordinate, KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
          Returns the index of coordinate in coordinates.
protected static int KaboumGeometry.indexOf(KaboumCoordinate coordinate, KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
          Returns the index of coordinate in coordinates.
 boolean KaboumLineString.isCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate pt)
          Returns true if the given point is a vertex of this LineString
protected static KaboumCoordinate KaboumGeometry.minCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
          Returns the minimum coordinate.
protected static void KaboumGeometry.reversePointOrder(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
          Flips the positions of the elements in the array so that the last is first.
protected static void KaboumGeometry.scroll(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates, KaboumCoordinate firstCoordinate)
          Shifts the positions of the coordinates until firstCoordinate is first.
protected static void KaboumGeometry.scroll(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates, KaboumCoordinate firstCoordinate)
          Shifts the positions of the coordinates until firstCoordinate is first.
 boolean KaboumPolygon.setCoordinates(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          By default, adding coordinates to a Polygon is equivalent to adding coordinates to the shell
 boolean KaboumPoint.setCoordinates(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
 boolean KaboumLineString.setCoordinates(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
 boolean KaboumLinearRing.setCoordinates(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
 boolean KaboumGeometryCollection.setCoordinates(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          You CANNOT set coordinate of a Geometry Collection
abstract  boolean KaboumGeometry.setCoordinates(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          Fill a SIMPLE geometry with input coordinates list

Constructors in org.kaboum.geom with parameters of type KaboumCoordinate
KaboumEdge(KaboumCoordinate p1, KaboumCoordinate p2)
          Constructs an unlabeled edge .
KaboumEdge(KaboumCoordinate p1, KaboumCoordinate p2, int edge)
          Constructs an edge .
KaboumLabeledLinearRing(KaboumCoordinate[] points)
          Constructs a LabeledLinearRing with the given points.
KaboumLinearRing(KaboumCoordinate[] points)
          Constructs a LinearRing with the given points.
KaboumLineString(KaboumCoordinate[] points)
          Constructs a LineString with the given points.
KaboumPoint(KaboumCoordinate coordinate)
          Constructs a Point with the given coordinate.

Uses of KaboumCoordinate in org.kaboum.util

Methods in org.kaboum.util that return KaboumCoordinate
protected  KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumWKTReader.getCoordinates( tokenizer)
          Returns the next array of Coordinates in the stream.
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumMapServerTools.mouseXYToInternal(int x, int y)
          Return the internal coordinate corresponding to the mouse position
 KaboumCoordinate[] KaboumList.toCoordinateArray()
          Return an array of KaboumCoordinate
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumPrecisionModel.toExternal(double xInternal, double yInternal)
          Sets external to the external representation of internal
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumPrecisionModel.toExternal(KaboumCoordinate internal)
          Sets external to the external representation of internal
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumPrecisionModel.toInternal(double xExternal, double yExternal)
          Sets internal to the precise representation of external
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumPrecisionModel.toInternal(KaboumCoordinate external)
          Sets internal to the precise representation of external

Methods in org.kaboum.util with parameters of type KaboumCoordinate
protected  void KaboumWKTWriter.appendCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate coordinate, writer)
          Converts a Coordinate to <Point> format, then appends it to the writer.
protected  void KaboumWKTWriter.appendPointTaggedText(KaboumCoordinate coordinate, writer)
          Converts a Coordinate to <Point Tagged Text> format, then appends it to the writer.
protected  void KaboumWKTWriter.appendPointText(KaboumCoordinate coordinate, writer)
          Converts a Coordinate to <Point Text> format, then appends it to the writer.
 void KaboumMapServerTools.centerMapExtent(KaboumCoordinate internal)
          Calculate new extent center on a map coordinates
 int KaboumCoordinate.compareTo(KaboumCoordinate o)
          Compares this object with the specified object for order.
 boolean KaboumExtent.contains(KaboumCoordinate c)
          Checks if extent contains Coordinate c
 double KaboumCoordinate.distance(KaboumCoordinate internal)
          Return the distance from this coordinate to the input one
 boolean KaboumCoordinate.equals(KaboumCoordinate other)
          Check if other other coordinate equals this coordinate
 void KaboumExtent.expandToInclude(KaboumCoordinate p)
          Enlarges the boundary of the Envelope so that it contains (x,y).
 double KaboumPrecisionModel.getDistance(KaboumCoordinate coordA, KaboumCoordinate coordB)
          Return the distance between two point in meters.
 double KaboumMapServerTools.getDistance(KaboumCoordinate coordA, KaboumCoordinate coordB)
          Return the distance between two points
 java.awt.Point KaboumMapServerTools.internalToMouseXY(KaboumCoordinate internal)
          Return the Point(x,y) equivalence of an internal coordinate
 java.awt.Polygon KaboumMapServerTools.internalToPolygon(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          Convert an array of internal coordinates into a java.awt.Polygon
 void KaboumCoordinate.moveTo(KaboumCoordinate internal)
          Move a point to the current position
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumPrecisionModel.toExternal(KaboumCoordinate internal)
          Sets external to the external representation of internal
 KaboumCoordinate KaboumPrecisionModel.toInternal(KaboumCoordinate external)
          Sets internal to the precise representation of external
static KaboumList KaboumList.toKaboumList(KaboumCoordinate[] internals)
          Return a vector from an array of coordinates
protected  KaboumPoint[] KaboumWKTReader.toPoints(KaboumCoordinate[] coordinates)
          Creates an array of Points having the given Coordinate
 boolean KaboumExtent.trulyContains(KaboumCoordinate c)
          Checks if extent truly contains coordinate c.
 java.lang.String KaboumPrecisionModel.writeMapCoords(KaboumCoordinate internal)
          Return the formated output of the pointer in map coordinate assuming the current unit.

Constructors in org.kaboum.util with parameters of type KaboumCoordinate
KaboumCoordinate(KaboumCoordinate coord)
          Sort of copy constructor
KaboumExtent(KaboumCoordinate coordLL, KaboumCoordinate coordUR)

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